Kanye West wrote a song for Taylor Swift
Damn! Ni vet förra årets MTV Video Awards? Taylor vann ju pris för sin "You belong with me" över Beyoncé's "Single Ladies", och när hon skulle köra sitt tack-tal så kommer Kanye West upp på scen och säger typ: "Taylor, I'm really happy for you, but Beyoncé's video is the best of all times. Of all times" Sen rycker han på axlarna, lämnar över micken och drar.
Nu har han skrivit en låt till taylor som han vill att hon ska ha.
Han skrev på twitter:
I wrote a song for Taylor Swift that’s so beautiful and I want her to have it. If she won’t take it then I’ll perform it for her.
I’ve hurt, I’ve bled, I’ve learned. I only want to do good. I am passionate I am human I am real. I wish I could meet every hater. I wish I could talk to every hater face to face and change there a opinion of me one conversation at a time. I wish they all knew how much I really cared about music and pop culture and art and peoples feelings. I wish they could accept that I’ve grown and only want to do good for the world. I want to help as many people as I can. I want to help starting with the music and ending with the smile. I want to win there hearts back so I can continue to bring my take on culture to the masses with a clean opinion. It starts with this…I’m sorry Taylor.
Wow... han måste verkligen ångra sej! Jag menar, vrf skulle en känd rappare som han bry sej om en ung country-sångerska som Taylor? Det var snällt av honom, och jag hoppas hon tar emot låten.