Taylor Swift on the cover of BLISS Magazine

Love it! Verkligen jättefin! Intervjun:

Are you a confrontational person? “No, I don’t like conflict. I don’t like to raise my voice. It’s just not something that I’m very good at or inclined to do, but it doesn’t mean I don’t get mad or hurt, or resentful or frustrated and feel those same things.”

Selena recently told BLISS she looks on you as a big sister – would you agree? “I’d definetly say we have a sister relationship. I’ve never had a sister but I think if I did and I had this sweet, perfect younger sister, it would be Selena. I feel like she’s my age, though. I forget she’s 18.”

The pretty name: Moa

sv: det ser det allafall :)

2010-10-16 @ 23:04:27
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