Selena Gomez likes to buy cheep clothes
Den här tjejen är fantastisk! Hon berättade:
"When it comes to shopping I love a bargain"
“I don’t usually spend over the $20 mark. I feel so much better buying a top for $20 that isn’t so different from the one that costs $200."
“It’s really rare that I buy something expensive, and if I do, I think about it over and over before splashing out."
“When you see me on the red carpet, I’m usually in outfits that I’ve picked out and borrowed, and that I probably won’t wear a second time, so I give them back."
“Normally the outfits are too expensive for me to own anyway.”
The pretty name: mathilda
Sv: ja det hade jag :) kul att du kom ihåg ;-)
tack det är sabina , från som designat den :D
Ha en bra dag ;)
The pretty name:
En fin, men enkel outfit.
The pretty name: Sabina
jag har cs5