Miley Cyrus will get married when 18

Enligt The National Equirer så kommer Miley gifta sej med Liam när hon fyller 18!
Hon fyller ju i november. Man har ju hört att hennes pappa är emot bröllopet men nu tillåter han henne, bara hon har fyllt 18 år! En källa berättade:

"Billy Ray is all for the wedding…once she turns 18. He thinks the world of Liam and sees a lot of himself in him. They’re both extremely protective of Miley — and they both have her best interests at heart. A lot of people thought that Bill Ray had gotten between Liam and Miley. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. Billy Ray wanted Liam to get back with his daughter almost as much as she did."

Nää asso osäker! Men skulle vara glad för hennes skull om dom gifte sej (fast hon är ung)!


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