Joe Jonas dated Demi to get higher ratings on "Camp Rock 2: the final jam"??
Det har sagts att Joe bara använde Demi, dejtade henne, för att få högre RATING på filmen "Camp Rock 2: the final jam" som dom spelade in medan dom var tillsammans!
En inne ifrån berättade:
"Demi had no idea that Joe was just using her, and when she found out that the whole relationship was just for show she had a mental breakdown over everything. She felt everything was a big lie. When Joe and his father told her the truth, she couldn’t deal with anything anymore. She totally lost it, and nothing was ever the same after that. She didn’t know who to trust or what was real anymore. In all honesty, she loved Joe, and to find out it was all fake, destroyed her. She immediately started blaming herself after they split, and wanted to change everything. She tried to move on. She started seeing other guys to distract her. But being stuck on tour with Joe and his new girlfriend did her in as we see now… All her feelings just exploded at once."
Om det här är sant ... !%&!?*$@! HUR KAN HAN VARA SÅ LÅG?! Han har förstört hennes liv, hennes karriär! Fast det är inte så förvånade att han skulle kunna göra sånt .. iallafall inte nu! Äcklig!