Billy Ray Cyrus and Tish Cyrus fought over Miley - ended the marrige

Anledningen till att Billy Ray Cyrus och Tish ska skilja sej är på grund av Miley?!
En inne ifrån avslöjade:

'Billy screamed terrible things at Tish. Then he started kicking in the door.' The fight started after Billy tried to ground Miley for talking back to him, and Tish intervened. When he found out Tish undermined him & gave Miley permission to go out, he became furious: 'Tish locked herself in her bedroom to escape Billy Ray's wrath. He pounded on the door screaming: 'Come out here and talk to me, b****! You let everyone run wild when I'm not here! & It's going to STOP!''

Vet inte om det här är sant men jag kan se bilden framför mig..


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