Patrick Lovato (Demi's biological dad): "Ever since she was a little girl, she has always been my partner"

Demis biologiska pappa, Patrick Lovato, lämnade Demi och hennes mamma och storasyster Dallas förut och han hörde inte av sig och nu när Demi är känd och allt så leker han Good Guy?
Han sa detta till RumorFix om när han sist pratade med henne:

'We talk to each other, but we talk privately without other people knowing. I have always been an honest and truthful guy.'

Och det här sa han om deras relation:

'You can put it down in one word, partner. That’s something between she and I. She will absolutely always be my partner. Ever since she was a little little girl, she’s always been my partner. She’d sit up next to me and I’d put her in my seatbelt with me, and we’d be driving down the road. Kids grow, and I’ve been away from the family for so long, It's because of me. I mean, I haven’t been in

jail or anything, it’s just that I’ve always tried to leave them [Demi and her mom] the space that they need and I respect them so much that that’s why I’ve stayed away. I have been embarrassed of my recent financial situation because of my medical issues. It’s not because I go out and party or anything like that,

that would be the last thing, and it’s not because I drink or do drugs. My family always knows where I am so if they wanted to contact me, they could. My phone number, address hasn’t changed, it’s not hard to find me. I’ve been here forever.'

Yeah ....... RIGHT!


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