Taylor Swift plans her 21st birthday party

Taylor fyller 21 år den 13 December (jag fyller också år 13) och hon berättade till MTV:

"The plans for the 21st birthday probably are going to be winter-themed. I love winter. I love Christmas, and my birthday is December 13… When I was a little kid and I was growing up, they’d always have a Santa Claus guy show up and take everybody’s wishes or what they wanted for Christmas. I’m not gonna do that, but there’ll definitely be lots of Christmas-themed things. "

Och så om alkoholet. kommer hon dricka nu när hon är 21?

"Maybe I’ll have a glass of wine – but nothing too hard-core for me. I’ve never had the burning desire to drink. I need to be in control of what I say, and if I drank, I’d stress out about saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. "


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