Demi's family doesn't like her father to talk about her

Demi's familj är arga över att hennes riktiga pappa, Patrick Lovato, snackade med pressen om att hon checkade in på rehab (han lämnade dem när hon var yngre). Han hade sagt:

"The pressure of being a child star was one of the things I worried about when she signed with Disney. It’s in her genes with her mom and dad. Mainly watching her mom. I’d gotten out of it myself. ‘Cause someone had to take care of the kids."

Demis mamma, Dianna De La Garza (paparazzis kallar henne Ms Lovato) och Walt Disney Copmanys advokater har sagt åt Patrick Lovato att sluta prata om Demi. Folk från Demis sida berättade:

"No one speaks for Demi except for her designated representatives. Unfortunately, several people have taken it upon themselves to speak out — both on and off the record — about a situation they know nothing about."

Sen sa Demis pappa, Patrick:

"Demi won’t even talk to me. I don’t blame Disney; I never said that. I was misquoted. Disney has been wonderful to my daughter. Now their lawyers are warning me not to say anything else. I would never blame Dianna. She is a wonderful mother. I love Demi, her sister, Dallas, and Dianna. I think about them all the time and I pray they are OK and safe."

Han har ingen rätt att prata om Demi med pressen. Han lämnade dem.


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